вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

alzazeera english

Ik loop stage bij NT Gent deze winter.
Ik heb net te horen gekregen dat ik, in tegenstelling tot eerdere berichten, toch geen woonplaats heb in Gent in de periode dat ik daar moet zijn. Ik heb geen geld om elke keer heen en weer te reizen vanuit Rotterdam (22 euro per dag) en een jeugdherberg kan ik eigenlijk ook niet betalen (18 euro per dag).
Heeft er iemand heel toevallig een logeerkamer over oid?
Ik ben stil, lief en ik heb het druk (maw. De krijgt er geen huisdier bij die de hele dag in je huis rondloopt.) Ik kan een kleine onkostenvergoeding wel ophoesten.
Het gaat om de periode van 8 tot 23 december en 6 tot 15 januari van maandag t/m vrijdag.
Heeft iemand de gouden tip?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

claiming medical expenses on your taxes

This was also hysterical.

Last week SNL made a crack at Mark Wahlberg with this skit:

Mark Wahlberg reacted, saying - "apos;Saturday Night Liveapos; hasnapos;t been funny for a long time," Theyapos;ve asked me to do the show a ton of times. I used to watch it when Eddie Murphy was there and Joe Piscopo and Bill Murray. I donapos;t even know whoapos;s on the show now."

On another show he said heapos;d fly to New York and punch the SNL actor in the face.

So thatapos;s why I find this weekapos;s clip particularly entertaining:

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I ate again. I couldnapos;t help it. I donapos;t know what else to do. I feel a bit anxious. I hear them louder...... INVEGA DONapos;T WORK. Blah, bla.

I got paranoid of the radio earlier. I was getting bad information from it.

I got paranoid again. I turned it off. It was like the radio was making fun of me. Not cool.

Sometimes, I get it from the t.v. Too. The t.v. Tells me Iapos;m fat. Yeah, I know about the abundance of weight loss ads, but sometimes I hear "fat" on t.v. Even when itapos;s not broadcasting weight loss products. Just a regular show.

Which reminds me, lots of folks here at Utah refer to films/movies as "shows." Theyapos;ll say, "that was a good show." And they call soda pop. So I could say, can you pause the show while I grab some pop?

Pretty cool sounding. I like it. Yeah, I like it.

Not manic, just a little high up there. Maybe this is my mania now? Food-induced? I thought food made me sleepy. AHHHHHH I hate being enslaved to food.

I turned the radio back on. I like the radio, except when itapos;s making fun of me or unpleasantly communicating. Radio sometimes flirt with me. Sometimes it points out the obvious. Sometimes it broadcasts the future. Sometimes itapos;s an asshole, like it was a couple of minutes ago.

Radio, radio, gimme gimme. Gimme my radio, gimme my radio. That used to be stuck in my head while I waited for jail and mental hospital to give me my radio. Both in jail and hospital, I had to wait for my level to go up until I gain the privilege of using my radio. In the hospital, my level was lowered for a while and I had to wait a week til they gave me back my radio. It was ok though. I just worked out non-stop and didnapos;t bitch.

By the way, Elizabeth Smartapos;s kidnappers are in the forensics unit of the State Hospital. I donapos;t think I saw them though when I was there. This girl from the psych ward wondered how I survived that place and jail without getting my ass kicked. Eh? I loved the people I met there. One of the good friends I made in USH even made me a tag art that says "homie." Sheapos;s cool. Another artist in jail made me a bunch of art for trade or just practice. I made good friends with one of my bunkies, etc. Etc. I made more friends inside institutions in Utah than anywhere else outside in this state. The people I met in those places are friendlier than the people at work. Fo sho.

Really, I donapos;t know why I would have gotten my ass kicked. I made a few people mad in jail, but no ass kicking. They just hated, thatapos;s all. But not enough to lay one on me.

I made more friends than enemies though. And in USH, I got along with everyone I met. I wish I had an opportunity to meet Elizabeth Smartapos;s kidnappers though. I wonder if I actually did apos;cause I donapos;t even know who they were or what they looked like then. There was one creepy guy who I thought might have been a pedophile apos;cause I look so much like a kid, I wonder why he was looking at me the way he did. I kinda acted like a kid too.

Everybody here--in the ins and the outs--think Iapos;m a minor. Ah Not really that offended or annoyed though. Maybe when I balloon up again theyapos;d buy into my adulthood.

My nose is itchy and Iapos;ve been breaking out. apos;Cause my stupid engineers keep making me rub my dirty hands all over my face even when I tell them I donapos;t wanna do that. They fuck me up so many times and now my nose hurts. It hurts from the inside, like all wounded up. What a louse I am.

Sometimes my nose run. And now it hurts.

The radio plays some good music. Iapos;ve been listening to it all day. Radio Jamaica or something like that, it was a reggae show, was on earlier. Then a few hours of music from all over the world. Now itapos;s playing all sorts of hipster stuff, which arenapos;t bad at all. I donapos;t like a lot of indie, like the ones that sounds like Radiohead, but I havenapos;t been hearing that lately. Just more upbeat tunes. Not that I donapos;t like slow music; I just donapos;t like a lot of them. I love folk; I love singer-songwriter type of stuff. I just canapos;t fucking stand slow, whinny vocals, I think. Or no, I just canapos;t stand Radiohead--I think thatapos;s it. And anything else that sounds like it. I think. apos;Cause I listen to whiny punk. Sometimes I donapos;t like Radioheadapos;s music either, even without the vocals. There was one Radiohead song I really like, I just donapos;t remember what itapos;s called. I also like Creep. Maybe it just depends on my mood. Itapos;s just that Iapos;m reminded of the other day (or was it yesterday?) when a Radiohead song came on the radio, and I thought, I really hate this song. Maybe not "hate" just dislike. But the way I remember it now, I hated it. apos;Cause my current mania exacerbates the feeling I had then.

Thatapos;s why I think weapos;re all natural born liars. apos;Cause when we recall past experiences, our current emotions/moods/perception influences the way we recall. So even if we swear weapos;re telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth--weapos;re wrong. Weapos;re adding to the supposed truth.

No truth. All recollections are lies. Lies, lies, lies

I love the smell of Nag Champa. Incense make me happy. I think Iapos;m gonna go light another one, then go outside for a smoke. I with I could smoke indoors, but I like going outside anyway. Away, away, away.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bas payments

There was one a poem in one of the Chicken Soup for Teens books about a girl and a boy that had broken up, and next time they meet they hug. The poem is told in two voices-- hers, which believes they are going to reunite "we held each other again" and his, in which he grumbles about having to put up with her.

I canapos;t remember the title, and I donapos;t know which volume itapos;s in. Anyone in the know? I�think it would be a neat thing to use to teach the trait of Voice.


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yeaps, its been ages since iapos;ve posted.
best news that made my day?
my emath rocked�:)
yeah but thats all there is to it.
went home and wanted to tell everyone, but people were sleeping and watching teevee and blah blah blah.
so...you can guess the rest.

lit was horrendus,
my humans all suck.

okay shall stop complaining and move on to happier things�
wednesday was...my birthday�
and thankyou all of you�
especially emily, who had this evil ploy which i saw through�almost. Cause i thought a cd couldnapos;t be that big.
and omg xiaonan and jelene :D:D:D
yeah man. 7 pictures of xiaojie, 3 of boqiao, and 2 of liwen.
and dhivya, donapos;t worry, i loved your present too�:D
i loved all the presents�
you guys rock:):)

haha thatapos;s all for latest updates�:D�

//its only when the skyapos;s dark can you see the stars//
free version of quicken.